Hear us sing!

Obviously the best way to hear us singing is by attending a concert, but if you simply can’t wait until the next one, here are a selection of songs from recent performances.

We also have a YouTube channel here.

The Three-C Shanty, Spring 2021

Inspired by the recent popularity of sea shanties on social media kicked off by Nathan Evans’ Wellerman, one of our altos (Faith) wrote some alternative lyrics.

Then Frances arranged it.

And then it kind of took off!


“Lockdown Choir”, November 2020

For a festive treat, we chose to record “Magi Viderunt Stellam” (The magi, having seen the star) by  the well-known 16th century composer, Tomás Luis de Victoria.

Again, we all recorded alone in our homes and submitted them to James for audio treatment and mixing.

This time we also recorded videos of ourselves singing the piece with our phones and sent them to John Kennard (one of our tenors) who created this twinkly video.


Promotional Video, Winter 2018

Our performance of Nesciens Mater by Jean Mouton, recorded in Our Most Holy Redeemer, Clerkenwell, in November 2018.

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Copyright © 2025 Chandos Chamber Choir